
This document contains the latest discussion/experimental concepts for Project Sprint and provides the latest information on method updates.

Project Sprint Success Metrics

Project Sprint is a project promotion method that aims to achieve a state in which the project goals are achieved and an ideal team is formed.

Therefore, the success of Project Sprint can be evaluated in terms of whether each of these is achieved (success in progress and success in teaming).

It is important to note that there is no absolute state to be reached for either success. The goals of a project can change, and what constitutes an ideal team depends on the size of the project, the timeline, and other factors.

On the other hand, if Project Sprint is implemented and managed correctly, it means that it will bring success in progress and success in teaming. Therefore, the activity of Project Sprint itself can be regarded as a success indicator.

Success Indicators for Progress

There are two success indicators for progress

  • Whether the tasks involved in the progress are listed and completed, and

  • How many progress-related agenda items are listed and completed in meetings.

Teaming success indicators

There are two key indicators of success in teaming

  • Are the tasks involved in teaming listed and completed?

  • How many teaming-related agenda items are listed and completed in meetings.


Classification of optimization

Optimization can be divided into two categories: those that are implemented for the short term and those that are implemented for the long term. Specifically, there are differences in the following characteristics.

Short-term optimization
Long-term optimization

Low initial cost

Low running cost

One-time nature





Deployment of best practices

There is no absolute standard between the two, and even the same initiative can be categorized as either depending on the scale and time frame of the project itself.

Status in Progress Teaming

Status in Progress (As-Is and To-Be)

In Project Sprint, project progress is viewed as the distance between the current status (As-Is) and the status to be (To-Be). Sometimes, when team members draw the To-Be from the As-Is point, the accuracy is not so high.

The reasons for this can be divided into two main categories.

  • The team members do not have the same understanding of the As-Is and To-Be (problem of misalignment)

  • The As-Is and To-Be are not clear until the actual progress activities are done (Roughness problem)

Project Sprint solves these problems by setting up processes and milestones.

Status in Teaming

In Project Sprint, team status is seen as the degree to which members have a clear understanding or expectation of each other's responsibilities, and an ideal team can be formed when the following two points are realized

  • Knowing what each member of the project team can and will do for each other (congruence of expectations)

  • A mindset that is willing to take on whatever role is available to them, whenever the need arises (voluntary role acceptance)

Project Sprint achieves these by setting up processes and roles.
