Tips5: Setting Up Roles That Are Easy to Use in Practice

In Project Sprint, there is no set role that must be set except for the meeting role, and the only requirement is that the team members agree on the definition of the role.

However, the following roles are prepared in advance in anticipation of their frequent use in practice. Especially if you are introducing Project Sprint for the first time, you can use these roles to make the introduction smoothly.

Sprint Master

Sprint Master is the role that introduces Project Sprint. Specifically, the role is expected to explain the Project Sprint methodology as described in this manual to team members, and to actually lead the preparation and practice of the Project Sprint.

The word "master" has the connotation of "mentor," implying the expectation of someone who is not directly involved in the outcome of the project itself, but who teaches and guides the methodology used in the project.

Roles that lead each domain

Progress Management

A role that leads the achievement of project goals and milestones. This role is responsible for managing the progress of outcomes and deliverables creation, considering effective and efficient optimization methods to achieve the progress, and incorporating them into the project activities.

Although the name of the role includes the word "management," it is named in the sense of "a person who deals with" rather than "a person who manages". Therefore, it does not necessarily mean that only managers or high-ranking people in the organization can be in charge of this role.

Team Management

This role is to lead the team in making the team's status better than it is now. This role is responsible for clarifying the roles of the team, and coordinating activities when new roles arise or when there are changes to the roles.

As with progress management, the role name has "management" in it, but it is named in the sense of a "coping person" rather than a "managing person". Therefore, it does not necessarily mean that only managers or high-ranking people in the organization can be in charge of this role.

Process Admin

This role is to lead the functioning of the process in the Project Sprint. It is responsible for ensuring that the preparation and practice of meetings as described in this manual is effective and efficient. The Process Admin will also conduct the Reflection.

The word "Admin" has the connotation of "to manage". However, management here means "to make the process function properly," and here again, it does not necessarily mean that only managers or high-ranking people in the organization can be in charge of this role.
