Preparing for a Meeting

The content of this article falls under the "process domain" in Project Sprint.

Process is a Project Sprint-specific mechanism that revolves around regular meetings and the discussion of the agenda there. This will allow us to achieve the "ideal state" in both the progress and teaming domains.

This article is divided into two time frames: meeting preparation/meeting holding. This article is about preparing for a meeting.

Identifying Meeting Roles

First, assign each person a role (meeting role) to ensure that the meeting is run efficiently and effectively.

Specifically, the following roles need to be assigned

  • Facilitator: A role that manages the agenda (from agreeing on the agenda, to subsequent agenda progression and time keeping, to deciding on the next agenda at the end of the meeting) and facilitates discussion and improves the quality of the outcome (improving the agenda and supporting subsequent discussion formation). The former may be distinguished as moderator and the latter as accelerator and assigned as separate roles.

  • Coordinator: A role that creates the meeting environment. The coordinator is responsible for securing an appropriate meeting room (or setting up the meeting environment if the meeting is online) and arranging whiteboards and monitors.

  • Recorder: A role that takes minutes. Not only share the minutes after the meeting, but also publish the minutes in progress during the meeting so that any gaps in perceptions can be corrected immediately.

Depending on the number of team members, one person may be in charge of multiple roles, or a member may appear who has no role whatsoever. However, make sure that someone takes on all of the roles. It is also desirable that each role be rotated from meeting to meeting, rather than fixed, since they are all less personal. This will make it easier for all participants to come up with their own ideas about problems and best ways to run the meeting.

You can discuss and decide on these issues each time you hold a meeting, but if you decide on the roles and rotation rules before the meeting, you will be able to run the meeting more efficiently on the day of the meeting.

Submitting the Agenda

Before the start of each meeting, each team member should submit an agenda in advance. The agenda should include at least the following information

  • Agenda name

  • Method of proceeding (specific image of how the discussion will proceed)

  • Purpose and background (why you want to discuss the agenda)

  • From whom the discussion is to be held (who owns the agenda and with whom you want to discuss it)

  • Time

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