Tips7: Know-How About the Meeting Environment

In order to get the intended effect of the meeting in the Project Sprint, it is essential to build an efficient meeting environment. Although the process of Project Sprint is to allow team members to discuss and improve the optimization of the meeting environment itself, there are already some best practices in this regard. We will introduce them here for your reference.

Agenda Management

Agenda management is very important in Project Sprint.

For example, the following agenda management tasks will occur

  • Submitting the agenda before the meeting and editing the required content

  • Adding and editing the agenda after the meeting has started

  • Changing the order of agenda items after the meeting has begun

  • Carrying over agenda items after the meeting has begun

All of these tasks are done by all team members under the direction of the facilitator. Therefore, it is important to create an environment where everyone can collaboratively manage and edit the agenda, change the order of the agenda within the same meeting, and move the agenda from one meeting to another.

Time Management during meetings

An essential prerequisite for agenda management is knowing exactly how much time is left in the meeting. Whether online or offline, place a timer and a clock in plain sight so that team members in the meeting can keep track of the time.

Timers are necessary to keep track of "how much more time can we spend on this agenda?”

A clock is necessary to keep track of the start and end times of the meeting. Delays or extensions to the meeting start time are always possible, but having a clock that shows absolute time will help you keep track of and adjust the start and end standards.

Taking minutes

Meetings are an important place for team members to eliminate misunderstandings and make necessary decisions. Considering that each person will work on the necessary tasks during the meeting and bring the results to the next meeting, it is efficient and effective to confirm and share the meeting contents during the meeting as much as possible. Also, although the recorder is the main recorder of the meeting, if there are any errors in the content, it is better for the person with the most correct understanding to correct them on the spot.

For this reason, it is recommended to introduce a document tool that can be used for collaborative editing as a tool for taking minutes, and to take minutes in real time while displaying them on the screen during the meeting.


In addition to verbal explanations and explanations using documents, it is important to use handwritten information for recognition. Handwritten diagrams and text make it easier to convey information that is not properly documented or cannot be clearly explained in words. This also contributes to the point of "eliminating misunderstandings," which is necessary in Project Sprint.

In this case, whiteboards are not limited to the physical ones used in offline meetings. There are whiteboard tools for online meetings, so you can use those as well, and they may be better in terms of ease of storage.
