Conducting a Reflection

The content of this article falls under the "process domain" in Project Sprint.

Process is a Project Sprint-specific mechanism based on regular meetings and discussion of the agenda at those meetings. Through this mechanism, we can share the progress of the project, continuously improve the project process, review milestones toward the project goal, and confirm each other's roles.

In this article, I would like to explain about looking back, which is one of the ways to enable continuous improvement of the project process.


In Project Sprint, we aim to continuously improve (optimize) the way we work on the project through meetings. These optimization efforts are collectively referred to as the "continuous improvement approach," which can be further divided into two types of efforts: "tension triage" and "look back”.

Tension triage is an approach that is conducted at each meeting, as described in the section on Holding a meeting, and mainly focuses on the current feelings of team members.

Therefore, unlike the tension triage, the look-back takes a certain amount of time to complete and requires more time than the tension triage.

This "period of time" can be divided into the following two types, both of which should be used in conjunction with each other. If the two timings coincide, they can be implemented together.

At the end of a milestone

The timing is set at the end of a milestone. This timing is suitable for reviewing how much progress has been made toward the goal. It also allows you to look back at any deviations from the original plan and prepare for the optimal kickoff to achieve the next milestone.

Periodic Timing

This is an effort to look back on the project at regular intervals, such as "every few weeks" or "every few months”. This is because projects are uncertain and unpredictable, so we try to look back on them at regular intervals. For example, if there is a situation where a milestone cannot be achieved for any length of time, the timing of the forced optimization will trigger a problem to be solved.

In any case, as in the case of tension triage, it is important to be able to refer to the transition of the ideal state (i.e., project goals, milestones, and team roles) in the progress domain and teaming domain when looking back, so that you can see what you should have done then and what you should do in the future. In this way, it is easier to gain insights such as "What should we have done then?

The content of the review is not limited to any particular domain. In other words, it can be about progress toward specific project goals, about teaming, or about the process of the meeting.

Conducting a review is also a part of the meeting agenda, so you will need to submit an agenda in advance.

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